Maths corner
On this page you can find more details about some of the ways we are helping your child(ren) in school and how you can help them at home.
Progression Document
This document not only shows the progression of maths lessons from year to year, but also includes some diagrams and examples of the methods so you can see how we are teaching the maths in class. There are also examples of the concrete and pictorial resources we use on a regular basis.
Talk for Ten
You may have heard your child(ren) talking about T410 (talk for ten) in maths lessons but not really know what it means. Please don’t worry. It is not a new area of maths you haven’t heard of before. Instead, it is dedicated discussion time (10 minutes) within a maths lesson that we use with the aim of helping your child(ren) further understand some core areas of maths and develop their mathematical thinking and reasoning.
Doodle Maths
Doodle Maths is an online personalised support app aimed at helping children fill in any gaps in their mathematical understanding. The main premise of Doodle maths is ‘little and often works best’ rather than intense long individual sessions. The aim is for children to use Doodle for 10 minutes at a time, three or more times a week, either at home or in school – or both!
Times Table Rock Stars
TTRS is an app dedicated to helping children learn their times tables so they no longer rely on counting on or reciting times tables from 1 x ? but can rapidly recall the individual facts with ease. Again, the premise is little and often is better than long sessions once a week.
Year 6 Help Videos - coming soon!
These are a selection of videos with worked examples of some of the more tricky aspects of Year 6 maths. Originally made during lock down, they contain useful tips and enable parents to see the methods being used in class to help with any questions children may have.