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Art Intent Statement


Art forms an integral part of children’s learning at West Leigh and cross curricular links are forged wherever possible. In order to instil the mindset that ‘anyone can be an artist’ lessons are carefully planned which enable the children to confidently explore and develop a variety of skills and techniques. Children of all abilities are actively encouraged to express themselves using a range of different artistic styles and forms. They also learn how to observe and reflect on a diverse range of different artist’s work and use this knowledge constructively to inform their own individual development as artists.


The Art curriculum at West Leigh has been designed to cover all of the skills detailed in the National Curriculum. Children are actively encouraged to develop their own styles through planned teaching related to the development of techniques and the effective use of different tools and materials. Planning takes a cross curricular format enabling children to make relevant links across the different subject areas and to maximise pupil engagement. A range of artists are studied throughout their time at West Leigh and children use these experiences to inspire their own developing ideas and creations. All children at West Leigh also participate in an annual Arts Week when children explore the different arts/crafts related to a specific country.

To ensure access to Art for all pupils, lessons are clearly differentiated and additional support is provided if required. Adaptations of tools/materials are also available to ensure all children are able to achieve success.


Discussions with the children about this subject reveal that they view Art positively and engage enthusiastically with their learning. They also recognise the importance of developing themselves as artists.

Although monitoring of Art takes place regularly the subjective nature of this subject does need to be considered when assessing children’s artwork. All children have Art folders and this allows subject leaders to ensure that coverage of the subject is maintained. Pupils are encouraged to discuss their Art work with curriculum leaders and to talk about the artists they have studied. Children’s work is celebrated in many forms and is exhibited in different areas of the school. Artwork has also been used effectively within the local community and enrichment opportunities are being developed.