Federation Governor Recruitment - May 2022
Local Governing Board Recruitment
As we start looking to the next academic year, we have some exciting opportunities to become a governor, and join the work of our Local Governing Board (LGB).
The role of the Local Governing Body, working with the Head Teacher and the leadership team, focuses on three core areas:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
As part our governing board development and ongoing succession planning, we are looking to recruit some specific skills.
We are particularly interested to hear from people who have experience, past or present, in the following areas:
- Special Educational Needs
- Curriculum/education - especially primary
- Leadership - who would consider acting as vice chair or chair of the board to aid its running
- HR/wellbeing
Becoming a governor is a wonderful opportunity for individuals to who have a good dollop of passion, curiosity, confidence to ask questions, as well as time to invest in the schools. A chance to both share your skills and develop and learn as part of a board.
So, what would you need to do?
- Attendance at local governing board meetings which are held once a term – typically on a Tuesday evening (can be held virtually or face to face)
- Monitoring the school as part of your agreed link governor role - to monitor and report back to the local governing board. Expect about 3 visits a year, which would usually be organised within school hours.
- Be open to training for your role – typically you would expect a maximum of 3 training sessions a year, including governor induction training which is run by the trust.
How to apply:
- If you would like to express an interest in applying, please do drop myself, or our clerk Clair Gardener, an email by the 6th June 2022: jstafford@backwellfederation.co.uk / cgclerk@backwellfederation.co.uk
We have a talented community, with much passion, capability, and strong voices, so I hope we can tap into some of that to support the work of our schools. We are equally happy to hear from non-parents to support our board, so if you do know someone who would be a great fit do please share this opportunity with them.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Justine Stafford
Chair of Governors
Local Governing Board 2021-2022
- Justine Stafford – Chair. Outcomes/ Governor development (co opted)
- Lucy Gordon –Leadership/Curriculum (foundation)
- Steve Livings – Safeguarding (co-opted)
- Cath Twine – Finance & premises (parent)
- Lorna Dukes – Curriculum (co opted)
- Angus Urquhart – SEND/Pupil premium (co opted)
- Jenny Holmes – Finance /Ethos (foundation)
- Jane Canning – Ethos (Foundation)
- Charles Hutchings –Behaviour (parent)
- Stephan Axt – Health & Safety/risk (co opted)
- Anne Brock – Staff governor
- Nick Webster - Headteacher