DT Intent Statement
After the implementation of our computing curriculum, children at Backwell Junior C of E Junior School will be digitally literate and able to join the rest of the world on its digital platform. They will be equipped, not only with the substantive and disciplinary knowledge to use technology effectively and for their own benefit, but more importantly – safely. The biggest impact we want on our children is that they understand the consequences of using the Internet and that they are also aware of how to keep themselves safe online.
As children become more confident in their abilities in Computing, they will become more independent and key life skills such as problem-solving, logical thinking and self-evaluation will ideally become second nature.
The DT curriculum at Backwell Juniors has been designed to cover the knowledge set out in the National Curriculum. Planning follows a cross curricula link as much as possible. Teachers use their year group overviews to consider where DT best fits in with other subject areas and topics in order to provide relevant and meaningful experiences for pupils. The delivery of DT lessons is decided on by class teachers. In some year groups, DT may be taught exclusively over the course of a week as opposed to weekly one hour lessons, depending on the unit being covered and how it links to another subject area. To ensure access to DT for all pupils, lessons are differentiated and additional support is provided if required. Adaptations of tools/materials are also available to ensure all children are able to achieve success. Pupils work is recorded and celebrated in a variety of ways. Sketchbooks are used to plan, develop and evaluate designs with topic books also available to record any work which may link directly to a specific subject area. Teachers also have a class iPad which is used to photograph pupil work and is useful in keeping a visual record of achievements to inform pupil progress. The DT subject lead is also exploring the idea of using a class ‘Big Book’ to keep a continuous record of children’s work. Consideration is also being made to plan for more enriched experiences throughout the school year, including developing links with the local secondary school and their DT department.
At Backwell Junior’s we use pupil voice as a way to measure the impact of DT in our school. As part of the monitoring schedule, the DT lead will talk to children from all year groups either through pupil interviews or during a learning walk. They also support teachers in developing the DT curriculum to ensure that planning is progressive and relevant, with cross curricula links made wherever possible. Pupils are encouraged to discuss their DT work with their peers, teachers and the DT lead in order to reflect on the processes involved and be able to evaluate the design and functionality of their end product(s). Children’s work is celebrated in many forms and is exhibited in different areas of the school. Plans to develop links with other schools in the trust are being considered to encourage collaboration and provide opportunities for professional development.