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RE Intent Statement


Religious Education is an important part of developing children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. In line with the SACRE agreed syllabus for teaching RE in North Somerset (Awareness, Mystery and Value) our curriculum aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, experiences, understanding  and attitudes which will allow them to be part of a multi-faith society, having a positive sense of self and others. We  aim  to ensure they are respectful and curious about the world around them, gaining an understanding of what people believe and the difference this makes to the way they live. We work with the children to enable them to express their own ideas, ask questions, reflect on their own beliefs and respond to what they discover.


Following the locally agreed syllabus, our curriculum covers all the world’s major religions with additional emphasis on Christianity as we are a Church of England school. Units of work are planned to be progressive, building on prior knowledge, and the study of at least one major world religion is covered in each year group. Where possible, units are linked to other subjects in the curriculum. Lessons are enquiry-led to enable  all children to take an active role in their learning. Artefacts, virtual and in-person visits and speakers into school are used to provide inspirational opportunities for learning. Lessons are usually  taught on a weekly basis, however, the children also take part in “church days” where they devle deeper into learning about Christian festivals and what it means to be part of a Christian community. Learning in RE is displayed throughout the year across the school and monitoring of progress takes place informally through book scrutiny and through a termly class –based task. Planning, teaching and learning are monitored by the subject leader who also coordinates staff training where relevant and provides up-to-date resources.


The children at Backwell Cof E Junior School have access to high quality teaching. RE is taught throughout the year and lessons are challenging and engaging. Pupils learn about a range of beliefs and are able to reflect on them.  They gain knowledge and understanding of the major world religions and develop respect for different belief systems and the influence these have on how people choose to live their lives. They are able to ask and answer challenging questions about moral issues and what it means to be human. They develop the knowledge needed to identify links between their own beliefs and the life choices of others in the wider community. They are able to engage in opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development to enable them to be confident, sensitive individuals, prepared for life in a diverse world.